Time flies when you're having fun, right? This past Saturday sure flew by for me. I spent the day with my mom, dad, sister, aunt and uncle at my aunt's church's craft sale. It was AMAZING. Not only the part where I had a day completely away from the kids (sorry Wayne), the whole day was great. Every year my mom bakes and bakes and bakes her infamous pound cake to sell at her table, and my aunt has gorgeous hand knit items, crafted by herself, at her table. I also, always get to snatch one of her knitted items for one of the wee beasties. After the sale we head over to my aunt and uncles, they live just down the street, and they make us dinner. Dinner is always better when someone else makes it. Ok, I suppose that comment depends on the 'someone' and their cooking capabilities. The only sad part, was that the day ended much too quickly.
Sunday was also a fairly good day, didn't quite beat Saturday. We had a great time at home I mostly watching and playing around with the beasties (amazing how a day away makes me much more appreciative, and patient with them), while Wayne did the flooring and installed a new vanity in our bathroom. The only regret of the weekend... no dishes were done, and no groceries were bought. Guess I'll be catching up today/tonight.
Saturday my mother asked me what was on mine, Wayne and the kid's Christmas lists. Honestly, I had no answer. The kids are fairly well off in the toy department, Lucas gets so many hardly used clothes from his cousin, and Emily... well, she needs some clothes, but not much. Wayne already got himself his Christmas present in September, an iPad, so he doesn't really need anything, and me... ... I have no idea. Some date nights for Wayne and I would be great. Kinda hard to put that in a box or stuff in a stocking. However, the topic really got me going... too much to do and get, and too little time to do it in. Only 41 days until Christmas. I usually create a Christmas list with every person's name and gift idea, then check beside when I've bought the gift. I've already bought a few gifts, kid wise, but haven't invested any time or money into the adults on my list yet.
Here's hoping you guys/girls out there are much further along on your Christmas shopping than I. Well, best make the wee beasties their lunch, I hear them chanting 'I hungry' upstairs.