It's official. All last week we were rocked by the flu bug. Fortunately, my mom took sick little Lucas off our hands, so that I could work last Tuesday afternoon. Also, it was Wayne's turn to stay home with sick child(ren). As fate would have it, although, Emily and I both woke up Thursday emptying our stomachs into any available bowl/bucket. It was beautiful.
My kids and I have been sick so often this year, I swear my boss thinks I'm lying. Truth is, I would rather be driving the bus with my kids strapped into their seats, then at home with one sick and one cooped up toddler, or two cooped up toddlers. The kids are fine now, I think. Lucas was fine come Friday, Emily and I were still reaching for buckets and bowls, and of course Wayne didn't even feel the slightest bit of nausea. Emily then threw us for a loop again on Saturday night, throwing up all over her bed and me. Again, beautiful. Monday morning was a joke, the kids had barely eaten in days, and finally we were going back on the bus. However, waking them up early didn't go over so well (they were a tad cranky). As I was directing them to the bus door, I chatted with one of my fellow drivers, Lucas and Emily were moaning behind me, and sure enough, Lucas threw up right outside the bus door. I called my manager/dispatcher, she told me she could get another driver out there, but I told her I really didn't want to go home. So plastic bag in hand Lucas sat in his carseat while I blissfully drove the bus. He honestly was no worse for wear, just a tad tired and didn't throw up again... yet.
I would like to say the flu has finally left our now messy home, but I'm afraid it might rear it's ugly head at such a challenge. I will say this, the flu has won. I can only be thankful that my children are finally eating better, and I am back driving the bus.