Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rounding Off the Day

As every stay-at-home parent knows, the night/evening is the most chaotic time of the day. At least, it is at this house. Doubly so, since Wayne is away at work. I have to make dinner and/or feed the children (the or when my mother makes a generous dinner to include us), feed myself, entertain the children while making dinner and after dinner. Then there's the whole night time routine, bath or no bath, brushing teeth, and winding them down for a good night's sleep.

A good night's sleep only entails Lucas sleeping through the night, and Emily only waking up once. An amazing night's sleep is when Emily sleeps through until 7 or 8am the following morning. This is a very rare occurrence, but it has happened.

Once the babies are sleeping, it's mommy time. First I check e-mails and messages. Usually, I need to make myself something to eat--since, eating while the babies eat is near impossible at times. Then I watch my shows, read a book, or do anything to make me feel like I can relax, since this is the only time of day I can sit back and not care. Unless a baby wakes up.

Now for dinner. Lucas eats almost anything. This little man got his first two teeth when he was 4 months, and had a full set by the time he was 10 months. Emily is almost 10 months old now, and only has her first two teeth. Naturally, I feed her mushed up food/baby food.

She's capable of eating/gumming cheerios, and puffs, has had bits of bread and mushed up banana, but before all this, we tried out new foods every 3 days as the doctor advised. We weren't nearly as cautious with Lucas, however, Emily was 3 weeks early and had preemie tendencies.

My greatest accomplishment with the babies, is that I have generally made their baby food. I highly recommend a Magic Bullet for any parent interested in making their own baby food. I steam the vegetables in the microwave. It's the easiest way to do it, and keeps all the juices with the vegetables, which is key to making their mush. You want to keep the water to blend the veggies to the right consistency. Now, the 'right' consistency depends on your baby. Store bought baby food is quite runny, my babies always preferred it thicker. Obviously, the more water, the smoother/runnier and easier to digest the vegetable.

I have also steamed some fruits this way. Although, with most fruits you need to peel them, and I've found the fruit to be a bit too sour for my babies bums. In this case, I've used store bought.

Now don't get me wrong. I've used my fair share of store bought baby food too. I use both. With Emily, I must admit, I use far more store bought baby food, then I did with Lucas. It only makes sense, I think. I had much more free time when Lucas was young. There was no other baby to feed and care for.

Well, it's all what you prefer, and your baby/babies too, of course.

Off to spend some quality time with myself for the next hour or so. I believe it's the one thing that keeps me most sane. This, Wayne and my friends and family. I thank them greatly for all their love and support.

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