Well, it has been almost a year since my last post. All I have to say, is boy does time fly. I do apologize for the lengthy absence. Since my last post, we have moved, yet again, I officially am a school bus driver, and am officially going insane. Okay, so maybe I'm not 'officially' going insane, but I'm pretty sure I'm getting close.
Since school ended in June, we have planned and executed a Stag and Doe for my friend (who's getting married this upcoming Sat.) we have packed, moved, and somewhat unpacked, planned and had Emily's 2nd birthday party. And the big issue on this summer's agenda has been... Potty Training. Yep, officially insane. I'm starting to think that potty training twins would be easier. My sweet itty bitty is SO much better at this peeing on the potty thing, then her brother. Lucas would rather play, or crawl around on the floor (and yes, this is the 'almost' 3 year old). I have decided that the time is just not right for this boy, and to concentrate my efforts on my baby girl.
Besides all that, I am hoping for advice from anyone out there regarding sleep habits and toddlers. My kids, since moving into a townhouse and having their own rooms, scream bloody murder when it comes to bed time. Sometimes it will be almost 3 hours of screaming and whining before they pass out from sheer exhaustion. Any and all advice will be taken and used and I promise to write the results on here. Lucas has been making a habit of passing out at his door on the floor (hardwood floor) and waking up numerous times throughout the night screaming (most likely due to discomfort). Then the battle of bed time starts all over again.
Please, PLEASE, I beg to have some semblance of a good night's sleep again. Advice welcome.
On a side note, I read an article today regarding mom's and judgments on us. This article sparked my interest, as it compared being a mom to a competition. How becoming a mom, you become automatically enrolled into this Mom-Judging Olympics. For more information on this article go to: http://moms.today.com/_news/2011/08/11/7334726-the-mom-judging-olympics-a-competition-nobody-meant-to-enter
and read up... I must say, I was shocked at how close to home this hits, with not just other moms I meet on a daily basis, but also other moms within my family and how I feel judged, even if that's not the case.
Well on that note, I wish you all a good night's sleep (fingers crossed for me and my hubby as well).
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