Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's Been Awhile

I know it's been a little bit since my last post, but things are a little busy here. Thursday was a wonderful day; I can't exactly remember what made it wonderful or what the babies and I did, but it was a great day. Friday was not nearly as great a day. My grandmother fell and is in the hospital. I am, and I'm not worried. Worrying doesn't get me anywhere, and I know that she's in very good and caring hands.

Yesterday, Saturday, was my brother's b-day dinner here, and it was a fairly good time.

Lately, I've been feeling extremely crafty. Usually, I feel a little crafty, but lately, all I want to do is paint, or scrapbook--thank you Cyn, colour, knit, something, anything to help pass the day. I can't wait until my babies are old enough to have try craft time with. The main problem right now, is that Emily is definitely too young, without another parental supervisor, and most of my craft supplies are hidden away in boxes in the basement. Perhaps I'll finish the scarf I started knitting for myself a while back.

Lucas has been quite the little devil lately. I believe I already mentioned the sudden sibling rivalry. Now, he's not only doing that, he's also getting into everything he's not supposed to. I've caught him with his daddy's cell phone, licking an adapter for the cordless phone, biting on some nail clippers, sitting on the top (as in the very top) of the couch, and many other things he knows is bad. My biggest problem is trying to make him understand not to do that. I've done the hand slapping--this results in him slapping us or thinking it a game, I've yelled 'NO!' at him, I've even resorted to time out. The yelling is definitely not effective, it gets his attention, but doesn't stop him from doing what he's doing. Time out, although sound great, hasn't worked. Perhaps he's still too young. He ends up sitting in a corner for about a minute and then goes back and ends up doing whatever it was he was doing all over again.

I've had it up to my teeth! I have no idea how to get my 20 month old to listen. Any advice? Believe me, I'll use it!

Emily's a whole other issue. She's all smiles and giggles when fed and happy. However, she's been waking up twice a night now for the last few nights. I personally think it's her teething. Wayne thinks it's some sort of diabolical plan on her part. Either way, it's pitching both Wayne and I at each other. I can't imagine doing this alone, but sometimes, I wish he would just go away.

On a good note--if you look at it that way, Emily is already pulling herself up to the couch, and now she's walking along the couch! She's only been crawling for 3 weeks! On top of that, she's started drinking the water from Lucas' water bottle. This bottle has a non-spill straw. I was amazed when I saw her sucking away on it this morning.

Uh oh, Emily's awake from her nap. Hope to post tomorrow!

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