Unfortunately, I did not post yesterday. Not because I didn't want to, I was simply too busy enjoying my babies and friends. Yesterday was a wonderful day, I had a very nice nap thanks to Wayne, and spent a nice relaxing day playing and enjoying the 'baby' days.
When Lucas was a baby (he's officially a toddler since he walks now) I was constantly told to enjoy them while he was young. I fully understand the reasoning behind this now. Each milestone and accomplishment Lucas worked toward Wayne and I anxiously waited for. We wanted him to crawl, to eat solids, to walk, to talk. Now that he's older, I realize how much I've missed his baby days. Now don't get me wrong, I love how independent my little boy is. However, I long for the days I get to hold and cuddle with him. These days are already few and far between.
Now that Emily is almost 10 months, I don't want her to grow up too fast. At first, I was thinking that the day she could crawl couldn't come sooner. What parent doesn't want their baby to be able to entertain themselves by moving around? It's only been about 2 and a half weeks since she started crawling, and she's already scaling pillows on the floor, and just today pulled herself up to the couch--as in standing holding onto the couch! I can't believe how big my baby girl is getting.
On a different note, I think Lucas is officially becoming jealous of his little sister. Because he was only 10 and a half months when she was born, I didn't know if there would be any jealousy or not between them. Recently, he won't stop hitting, kicking, shoving her, taking her toys, etc. Perhaps this is normal sibling rivalry, but all I know is that I definitely need to nip this in the bud right now. The violent outbursts, that is. Emily is so small, and still too young to fight back against Lucas. Once she realizes how, well, that will be something to behold.
As much as Lucas attacks his sister, the two also have their amazingly charming times. Such as when Emily babbles, and Lucas repeats her, and they play at all the different noises they can make together. Or when Lucas shares his crackers, and even his water with Emily. Sometimes, he even kisses her without us prompting him, or hugs her.
It's sad to think, but my babies are growing up. Lucas is already a toddler. Before I know it, Emily will be in high school and Lucas going off to College/University or wherever his little heart takes him.
But for right now, I'm going to just enjoy the good times while I can. I'm going to love every good minute the babies have to give me.
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