Isn't it true that with your first baby you're very by the book or follow every word on what the doctor advises? I've realized how different I've treated both babies, regardless of their age difference. It's sad, but I feel much closer to Lucas, then with Emily. Not that I don't love Emily just as much, but I connect more with Lucas. Perhaps it's just our personalities are similar, but I must say, Lucas is my favourite baby boy! Granted, he's my only baby boy. I wonder if Emily had been a boy, if I would have felt the same way.
Emily is a little tyrant lately. She's teething, and boy is she teething. She's overly moody, and whiny, and yet, I can't remember her not being this way. I know there was a time, but I can't recall how blissful it was. Probably because I was more focused on other problems needing to be fixed, or was too sleep deprived. Lucas is only making matters worse. He's officially hit his terrible two a whole 4 months early.
It's a war here.
Today, as a reprieve, I took the children to a grassy hill at the park today. No one was around, and the babies had the best time of their lives. Who would've thought that they would prefer to be crawling/walking around in the grass, playing with sticks, grass and weeds? We had such a great time, we were almost late for Emily's doctor appointment. I think we're going to do this again tomorrow.
I took a video of the trees blowing in the wind. If there's one thing my babies can agree on, it's that the trees dance. They love to watch the trees dancing to the wind, in any season. They'll be playing in the living room and stop, mesmerized by the trees dancing outside the bay window.
There's something wonderful about laying in the grass just watching the trees dance. Perhaps that's why the babies had such a wonderful time today. I'll post again tomorrow about our hopefully relaxing time at the park.
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