Well, it's been about 2 months since my last post, and quite a lot has happened. Wayne and I officially moved out on our own... we've gotten ourselves a nice little apartment while we wait for our townhouse. On the one hand, we're excited about moving out again, but then we have to 'move' again... ... and that part was quite an... adventure.
Emily is now officially 1, and Lucas, well, he's definitely going through those terrible, TERRIBLE twos, and he's not even two yet. I dread the thought of this continuing for another 18 months to two years... I can only hope Lucas will grow out of it before Emily starts hers.
I did my first mini-shop yesterday with the babies. We're about a 20 minute walk from the stores, so I packed the stroller and off we went. It felt quite nice, and the babies slept like logs when we got back! Today I plan on playing at the park with them, then running some errands.
One of the greatest things that has happened since my last post is that I officially have a job!!! Well, besides the whole mothering-job-thing. This one will hopefully be a little less stressful. The greatest part, though, is that my babies get to come with me! I'm officially a school bus driver! At first, I thought the babies would be too young to come with me, but my supervisors ensured me that they can come, as long as there are seat belts for their car seats on my bus, which there will be! I can't wait to see how they hold up with sitting for so long... ... If worse comes to worse, I'll put them in daycare. However, I'm hoping it won't come to that.
Well, I best be off to get ready to run my errands today. Hopefully I'll be posting more often, however, I can't guarantee that due to motherly, and now job too, demands.
Take care, and keep taking each day at a time!!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Crunch Time
It's officially been one week since my last post. I feel a little sheepish that it's been so long. I've wanted to post, even thought about what to post, however, became side tracked and no posting occurred.
Wayne and I have been looking for a place to move for a little while now. We've finally decided to move into an apartment building for the time being. Due to this move, there are numerous little worries I have. Number crunching is the ultimate worry. As most of you know, Wayne is the one who goes to work everyday and I stay at home with the babies. As much as I've wanted to work and leave the babies in daycare with their cousin, I haven't found the job to match the criteria needed.
Wayne works afternoons, therefore, I would have to work daytime and be able to pick up the babies by 5:30pm. The only other criteria I have is to be able to make enough to cover child care, gas, and a little left over for oil changes, etc. Of course, making more then that would be nice, but not likely.
Back to the number crunching. With babies so close in age, it's easy in some ways and 10 times more difficult in others. Both babies are in some stages at the same time, therefore, diapers, wipes, clothes, food, drink, etc is doubly expensive. However, toys, books, entertainment, etc. costs no more then what you paid for your first child, since you still have all this on hand. I still need to buy formula, bottle inserts, baby food--I don't always have time to make it, and other things associated with my younger baby.
All this adds up quite astonishingly. So far, my parents have been footing the bills on adult food and heat, hydro, cable, etc. Wayne and I also bought out vehicles either just before or just after we met, so there's about $800/month just on vehicle payments combined. I've started cutting corners a lot lately. Mostly, I only get anything for myself if given money for my birthday/mother's day/Christmas. Wayne, however, is still spending money on clothes, and miscellaneous items he 'needs' for work. Since I'm the stay at home mom, I don't get that privilege.
Basically, we've found we'll have about $800/month leftover from his income to cover our variable costs. Perhaps I should start toilet training the babies now? It's definitely going to be interesting to see how this all pans out. We've already started this budget, let's see how all goes.
For all you others out there living on such a budget, I hand my hat off to you!
Wayne and I have been looking for a place to move for a little while now. We've finally decided to move into an apartment building for the time being. Due to this move, there are numerous little worries I have. Number crunching is the ultimate worry. As most of you know, Wayne is the one who goes to work everyday and I stay at home with the babies. As much as I've wanted to work and leave the babies in daycare with their cousin, I haven't found the job to match the criteria needed.
Wayne works afternoons, therefore, I would have to work daytime and be able to pick up the babies by 5:30pm. The only other criteria I have is to be able to make enough to cover child care, gas, and a little left over for oil changes, etc. Of course, making more then that would be nice, but not likely.
Back to the number crunching. With babies so close in age, it's easy in some ways and 10 times more difficult in others. Both babies are in some stages at the same time, therefore, diapers, wipes, clothes, food, drink, etc is doubly expensive. However, toys, books, entertainment, etc. costs no more then what you paid for your first child, since you still have all this on hand. I still need to buy formula, bottle inserts, baby food--I don't always have time to make it, and other things associated with my younger baby.
All this adds up quite astonishingly. So far, my parents have been footing the bills on adult food and heat, hydro, cable, etc. Wayne and I also bought out vehicles either just before or just after we met, so there's about $800/month just on vehicle payments combined. I've started cutting corners a lot lately. Mostly, I only get anything for myself if given money for my birthday/mother's day/Christmas. Wayne, however, is still spending money on clothes, and miscellaneous items he 'needs' for work. Since I'm the stay at home mom, I don't get that privilege.
Basically, we've found we'll have about $800/month leftover from his income to cover our variable costs. Perhaps I should start toilet training the babies now? It's definitely going to be interesting to see how this all pans out. We've already started this budget, let's see how all goes.
For all you others out there living on such a budget, I hand my hat off to you!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Life Happens
I know it's been four days since my last post, but life happens. We've been up, down and around the corner here. I'm sure you all understand that, everyone has one or more of those days. I miss seeing my friends lately. I've been so busy with life at home, that I feel as if I've neglected them. Their lives, although baby-less, are just as busy as mine. It's nice being able to catch up with them, things always seem as if no time has passed since we've seen each other.
Last post I was so busy, I forgot to mention that Emily is officially 10 months old! I weighed her yesterday and surprise, surprise, she's only 13 lbs. I could have sworn she would be about 14 lbs, but she's crawling all over the place now, it only makes sense that she's lost some ounces. Lucas is a tiny little boy, he only weighs 21 lbs. They both eat like teenagers, I swear, but don't gain much weight. Wayne thinks it's because they're also constantly moving and drinking water and only rest when asleep.
We've been to the park quite a few more times since my last post. Almost twice daily, unless it's wet and raining. They absolutely love the outdoors. While playing quietly--and yes, I said quietly- today they were amazed that a beautiful monarch butterfly was resting on the plants just outside the window. Lucas called it a 'duhduhfly'. Funny, I know, but he's still learning to pronounce some words.
Just a little boast about my boy, he started trilling or rolling his tongue when he was only about 8 1/2 months old. By the time he was 10 months he was singing 'la la la la'. I never thought it made him special, but was constantly told that this was not a normal thing. Then again, he is my son and has quite the long 'Gene Simmons' tongue like his mama. Emily was not gifted with this tongue, and makes normal baby gurgles.
Well, that's all for now, I've got to finish up my plans for Father's Day this weekend. I might not be able to post tomorrow or the next day, but I will be back. Hang in there mommies, things do get a little easier, but always remember, life happens.
Last post I was so busy, I forgot to mention that Emily is officially 10 months old! I weighed her yesterday and surprise, surprise, she's only 13 lbs. I could have sworn she would be about 14 lbs, but she's crawling all over the place now, it only makes sense that she's lost some ounces. Lucas is a tiny little boy, he only weighs 21 lbs. They both eat like teenagers, I swear, but don't gain much weight. Wayne thinks it's because they're also constantly moving and drinking water and only rest when asleep.
We've been to the park quite a few more times since my last post. Almost twice daily, unless it's wet and raining. They absolutely love the outdoors. While playing quietly--and yes, I said quietly- today they were amazed that a beautiful monarch butterfly was resting on the plants just outside the window. Lucas called it a 'duhduhfly'. Funny, I know, but he's still learning to pronounce some words.
Just a little boast about my boy, he started trilling or rolling his tongue when he was only about 8 1/2 months old. By the time he was 10 months he was singing 'la la la la'. I never thought it made him special, but was constantly told that this was not a normal thing. Then again, he is my son and has quite the long 'Gene Simmons' tongue like his mama. Emily was not gifted with this tongue, and makes normal baby gurgles.
Well, that's all for now, I've got to finish up my plans for Father's Day this weekend. I might not be able to post tomorrow or the next day, but I will be back. Hang in there mommies, things do get a little easier, but always remember, life happens.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
It's Been Awhile
I know it's been a little bit since my last post, but things are a little busy here. Thursday was a wonderful day; I can't exactly remember what made it wonderful or what the babies and I did, but it was a great day. Friday was not nearly as great a day. My grandmother fell and is in the hospital. I am, and I'm not worried. Worrying doesn't get me anywhere, and I know that she's in very good and caring hands.
Yesterday, Saturday, was my brother's b-day dinner here, and it was a fairly good time.
Lately, I've been feeling extremely crafty. Usually, I feel a little crafty, but lately, all I want to do is paint, or scrapbook--thank you Cyn, colour, knit, something, anything to help pass the day. I can't wait until my babies are old enough to have try craft time with. The main problem right now, is that Emily is definitely too young, without another parental supervisor, and most of my craft supplies are hidden away in boxes in the basement. Perhaps I'll finish the scarf I started knitting for myself a while back.
Lucas has been quite the little devil lately. I believe I already mentioned the sudden sibling rivalry. Now, he's not only doing that, he's also getting into everything he's not supposed to. I've caught him with his daddy's cell phone, licking an adapter for the cordless phone, biting on some nail clippers, sitting on the top (as in the very top) of the couch, and many other things he knows is bad. My biggest problem is trying to make him understand not to do that. I've done the hand slapping--this results in him slapping us or thinking it a game, I've yelled 'NO!' at him, I've even resorted to time out. The yelling is definitely not effective, it gets his attention, but doesn't stop him from doing what he's doing. Time out, although sound great, hasn't worked. Perhaps he's still too young. He ends up sitting in a corner for about a minute and then goes back and ends up doing whatever it was he was doing all over again.
I've had it up to my teeth! I have no idea how to get my 20 month old to listen. Any advice? Believe me, I'll use it!
Emily's a whole other issue. She's all smiles and giggles when fed and happy. However, she's been waking up twice a night now for the last few nights. I personally think it's her teething. Wayne thinks it's some sort of diabolical plan on her part. Either way, it's pitching both Wayne and I at each other. I can't imagine doing this alone, but sometimes, I wish he would just go away.
On a good note--if you look at it that way, Emily is already pulling herself up to the couch, and now she's walking along the couch! She's only been crawling for 3 weeks! On top of that, she's started drinking the water from Lucas' water bottle. This bottle has a non-spill straw. I was amazed when I saw her sucking away on it this morning.
Uh oh, Emily's awake from her nap. Hope to post tomorrow!
Yesterday, Saturday, was my brother's b-day dinner here, and it was a fairly good time.
Lately, I've been feeling extremely crafty. Usually, I feel a little crafty, but lately, all I want to do is paint, or scrapbook--thank you Cyn, colour, knit, something, anything to help pass the day. I can't wait until my babies are old enough to have try craft time with. The main problem right now, is that Emily is definitely too young, without another parental supervisor, and most of my craft supplies are hidden away in boxes in the basement. Perhaps I'll finish the scarf I started knitting for myself a while back.
Lucas has been quite the little devil lately. I believe I already mentioned the sudden sibling rivalry. Now, he's not only doing that, he's also getting into everything he's not supposed to. I've caught him with his daddy's cell phone, licking an adapter for the cordless phone, biting on some nail clippers, sitting on the top (as in the very top) of the couch, and many other things he knows is bad. My biggest problem is trying to make him understand not to do that. I've done the hand slapping--this results in him slapping us or thinking it a game, I've yelled 'NO!' at him, I've even resorted to time out. The yelling is definitely not effective, it gets his attention, but doesn't stop him from doing what he's doing. Time out, although sound great, hasn't worked. Perhaps he's still too young. He ends up sitting in a corner for about a minute and then goes back and ends up doing whatever it was he was doing all over again.
I've had it up to my teeth! I have no idea how to get my 20 month old to listen. Any advice? Believe me, I'll use it!
Emily's a whole other issue. She's all smiles and giggles when fed and happy. However, she's been waking up twice a night now for the last few nights. I personally think it's her teething. Wayne thinks it's some sort of diabolical plan on her part. Either way, it's pitching both Wayne and I at each other. I can't imagine doing this alone, but sometimes, I wish he would just go away.
On a good note--if you look at it that way, Emily is already pulling herself up to the couch, and now she's walking along the couch! She's only been crawling for 3 weeks! On top of that, she's started drinking the water from Lucas' water bottle. This bottle has a non-spill straw. I was amazed when I saw her sucking away on it this morning.
Uh oh, Emily's awake from her nap. Hope to post tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Gotta Love Babies
Unfortunately, I did not post yesterday. Not because I didn't want to, I was simply too busy enjoying my babies and friends. Yesterday was a wonderful day, I had a very nice nap thanks to Wayne, and spent a nice relaxing day playing and enjoying the 'baby' days.
When Lucas was a baby (he's officially a toddler since he walks now) I was constantly told to enjoy them while he was young. I fully understand the reasoning behind this now. Each milestone and accomplishment Lucas worked toward Wayne and I anxiously waited for. We wanted him to crawl, to eat solids, to walk, to talk. Now that he's older, I realize how much I've missed his baby days. Now don't get me wrong, I love how independent my little boy is. However, I long for the days I get to hold and cuddle with him. These days are already few and far between.
Now that Emily is almost 10 months, I don't want her to grow up too fast. At first, I was thinking that the day she could crawl couldn't come sooner. What parent doesn't want their baby to be able to entertain themselves by moving around? It's only been about 2 and a half weeks since she started crawling, and she's already scaling pillows on the floor, and just today pulled herself up to the couch--as in standing holding onto the couch! I can't believe how big my baby girl is getting.
On a different note, I think Lucas is officially becoming jealous of his little sister. Because he was only 10 and a half months when she was born, I didn't know if there would be any jealousy or not between them. Recently, he won't stop hitting, kicking, shoving her, taking her toys, etc. Perhaps this is normal sibling rivalry, but all I know is that I definitely need to nip this in the bud right now. The violent outbursts, that is. Emily is so small, and still too young to fight back against Lucas. Once she realizes how, well, that will be something to behold.
As much as Lucas attacks his sister, the two also have their amazingly charming times. Such as when Emily babbles, and Lucas repeats her, and they play at all the different noises they can make together. Or when Lucas shares his crackers, and even his water with Emily. Sometimes, he even kisses her without us prompting him, or hugs her.
It's sad to think, but my babies are growing up. Lucas is already a toddler. Before I know it, Emily will be in high school and Lucas going off to College/University or wherever his little heart takes him.
But for right now, I'm going to just enjoy the good times while I can. I'm going to love every good minute the babies have to give me.
When Lucas was a baby (he's officially a toddler since he walks now) I was constantly told to enjoy them while he was young. I fully understand the reasoning behind this now. Each milestone and accomplishment Lucas worked toward Wayne and I anxiously waited for. We wanted him to crawl, to eat solids, to walk, to talk. Now that he's older, I realize how much I've missed his baby days. Now don't get me wrong, I love how independent my little boy is. However, I long for the days I get to hold and cuddle with him. These days are already few and far between.
Now that Emily is almost 10 months, I don't want her to grow up too fast. At first, I was thinking that the day she could crawl couldn't come sooner. What parent doesn't want their baby to be able to entertain themselves by moving around? It's only been about 2 and a half weeks since she started crawling, and she's already scaling pillows on the floor, and just today pulled herself up to the couch--as in standing holding onto the couch! I can't believe how big my baby girl is getting.
On a different note, I think Lucas is officially becoming jealous of his little sister. Because he was only 10 and a half months when she was born, I didn't know if there would be any jealousy or not between them. Recently, he won't stop hitting, kicking, shoving her, taking her toys, etc. Perhaps this is normal sibling rivalry, but all I know is that I definitely need to nip this in the bud right now. The violent outbursts, that is. Emily is so small, and still too young to fight back against Lucas. Once she realizes how, well, that will be something to behold.
As much as Lucas attacks his sister, the two also have their amazingly charming times. Such as when Emily babbles, and Lucas repeats her, and they play at all the different noises they can make together. Or when Lucas shares his crackers, and even his water with Emily. Sometimes, he even kisses her without us prompting him, or hugs her.
It's sad to think, but my babies are growing up. Lucas is already a toddler. Before I know it, Emily will be in high school and Lucas going off to College/University or wherever his little heart takes him.
But for right now, I'm going to just enjoy the good times while I can. I'm going to love every good minute the babies have to give me.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Isn't it true that with your first baby you're very by the book or follow every word on what the doctor advises? I've realized how different I've treated both babies, regardless of their age difference. It's sad, but I feel much closer to Lucas, then with Emily. Not that I don't love Emily just as much, but I connect more with Lucas. Perhaps it's just our personalities are similar, but I must say, Lucas is my favourite baby boy! Granted, he's my only baby boy. I wonder if Emily had been a boy, if I would have felt the same way.
Emily is a little tyrant lately. She's teething, and boy is she teething. She's overly moody, and whiny, and yet, I can't remember her not being this way. I know there was a time, but I can't recall how blissful it was. Probably because I was more focused on other problems needing to be fixed, or was too sleep deprived. Lucas is only making matters worse. He's officially hit his terrible two a whole 4 months early.
It's a war here.
Today, as a reprieve, I took the children to a grassy hill at the park today. No one was around, and the babies had the best time of their lives. Who would've thought that they would prefer to be crawling/walking around in the grass, playing with sticks, grass and weeds? We had such a great time, we were almost late for Emily's doctor appointment. I think we're going to do this again tomorrow.
I took a video of the trees blowing in the wind. If there's one thing my babies can agree on, it's that the trees dance. They love to watch the trees dancing to the wind, in any season. They'll be playing in the living room and stop, mesmerized by the trees dancing outside the bay window.
There's something wonderful about laying in the grass just watching the trees dance. Perhaps that's why the babies had such a wonderful time today. I'll post again tomorrow about our hopefully relaxing time at the park.
Emily is a little tyrant lately. She's teething, and boy is she teething. She's overly moody, and whiny, and yet, I can't remember her not being this way. I know there was a time, but I can't recall how blissful it was. Probably because I was more focused on other problems needing to be fixed, or was too sleep deprived. Lucas is only making matters worse. He's officially hit his terrible two a whole 4 months early.
It's a war here.
Today, as a reprieve, I took the children to a grassy hill at the park today. No one was around, and the babies had the best time of their lives. Who would've thought that they would prefer to be crawling/walking around in the grass, playing with sticks, grass and weeds? We had such a great time, we were almost late for Emily's doctor appointment. I think we're going to do this again tomorrow.
I took a video of the trees blowing in the wind. If there's one thing my babies can agree on, it's that the trees dance. They love to watch the trees dancing to the wind, in any season. They'll be playing in the living room and stop, mesmerized by the trees dancing outside the bay window.
There's something wonderful about laying in the grass just watching the trees dance. Perhaps that's why the babies had such a wonderful time today. I'll post again tomorrow about our hopefully relaxing time at the park.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Another Day Another Post
I first, and foremost, must thank my one follower, Deanna. She's my cousin and a mother of 3. She too is going through the trenches of motherhood, and I very much look up to her and any/all advice she has.
I was feeling like these posts were falling into a dark corner on the great void of the internet. At least, now I feel as if someone is listening. I have also learned that a few friends have also started reading. I must apologize, the first few posts are a bit dark, but then, doesn't everyone have their dark days?
On a happier note, last night was my brother's 30th birthday surprise party. It was a wonderful night. There were a few awkward moments, but besides those, everyone had a wonderful time. Even my grandmother was humming along and tapping her cane to the music.
Partially, I found that Wayne and I being able to go out without the babies, made our night. There aren't very many times we get out alone. When we get the opportunity, we definitely take it. Surprisingly my brother was actually surprised and after every drink he was given, he remembers the night. At least, that's what he says.
Well, now for the 'support' portion of this blog. I've found that Wayne and I definitely need to find some more alone time. Not necessarily just the two of us, but with other adults as well. The awkward part I referred to during the party was when I was talking with my aunts and uncles. It felt weird talking about anything other then the babies. I must say there were a few pauses in the conversation, and I didn't really know how to continue adult conversation without mentioning the babies. It's horrible. Note to self, more time becoming aware of world events and anything else, not just my babies.
I figure this is something every parent goes through. You become so absorbed into your baby/babies, you become detached from the outside world. I've started my new awakening by turning the channel on the television to the radio/news and reading up on 2012. I don't believe the world will end, but what if the world as we know it changes? I figure I'll read up on what I can and learn whatever I can, just in case, so I'm prepared. At least the babies will be older by 2012.
Ever watch those movies such as 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, and that and wonder what you would do if things like that started happening? Every time I watch one of those movies I end up crying. I can't help but cry, how would I save both my babies in a flood/catastrophic event? Thank god for Wayne, I know he would do everything he could in such an event.
Well, time to wind myself down, and probably feed Emily another bottle. Hope all is going great for you reading out there!
I was feeling like these posts were falling into a dark corner on the great void of the internet. At least, now I feel as if someone is listening. I have also learned that a few friends have also started reading. I must apologize, the first few posts are a bit dark, but then, doesn't everyone have their dark days?
On a happier note, last night was my brother's 30th birthday surprise party. It was a wonderful night. There were a few awkward moments, but besides those, everyone had a wonderful time. Even my grandmother was humming along and tapping her cane to the music.
Partially, I found that Wayne and I being able to go out without the babies, made our night. There aren't very many times we get out alone. When we get the opportunity, we definitely take it. Surprisingly my brother was actually surprised and after every drink he was given, he remembers the night. At least, that's what he says.
Well, now for the 'support' portion of this blog. I've found that Wayne and I definitely need to find some more alone time. Not necessarily just the two of us, but with other adults as well. The awkward part I referred to during the party was when I was talking with my aunts and uncles. It felt weird talking about anything other then the babies. I must say there were a few pauses in the conversation, and I didn't really know how to continue adult conversation without mentioning the babies. It's horrible. Note to self, more time becoming aware of world events and anything else, not just my babies.
I figure this is something every parent goes through. You become so absorbed into your baby/babies, you become detached from the outside world. I've started my new awakening by turning the channel on the television to the radio/news and reading up on 2012. I don't believe the world will end, but what if the world as we know it changes? I figure I'll read up on what I can and learn whatever I can, just in case, so I'm prepared. At least the babies will be older by 2012.
Ever watch those movies such as 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, and that and wonder what you would do if things like that started happening? Every time I watch one of those movies I end up crying. I can't help but cry, how would I save both my babies in a flood/catastrophic event? Thank god for Wayne, I know he would do everything he could in such an event.
Well, time to wind myself down, and probably feed Emily another bottle. Hope all is going great for you reading out there!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Making It All Worthwhile
As I mentioned yesterday, I had my driving test, and passed. One less on my list of things to do. I am officially a holder of the G class license. I also went to renew my driver's license, and that left Wayne alone with the babies for almost 2 hours. The babies were still alive when I got home, of course. Wayne wasn't even the least bit frazzled looking. Again, I resented him. He was, however, quite tired. Emily and Lucas both awoke within minutes of my leaving, and Wayne had to get up to take care of them.
Yesterday was a much happier day for me. The babies were not nearly as cranky or whiny as they usually are, and I even got a great nap in the afternoon. I woke, fed the babies dinner, then got treated to some fast food from my dad--thank you. As I was finishing my meal, one of my best friends called. Last night was the Relay For Life. She asked if I was up for heading over and participating with my old work crew. Seeing an opportunity to get out for me and the kids, I nearly bolted out the door in anticipation.
Relay for life is really important to me. I didn't realize until last night, how important it was. My friend died of cancer at 23 (under 3 months before her 24th birthday). Two days before her 24th birthday, I found out I was pregnant with Lucas. I felt as if she were with me, and missed her terribly. Taking the babies with me to Relay For Life helped a lot. It made me feel as if I were helping in some way. I definitely want my children to understand the importance of such events.
On a funny note:
Lucas said 'Peepee' last night while I was changing Emily's diaper. Now, I don't tend to
use baby words with my babies, so I was quite confused as to where this word came from.
Yes, she had a pee diaper, but that's not the point. I thought it cute, but still confused on
the word.
This morning my mom was bouncing Lucas on her knee. She said 'Yippee!'. Lucas, in
turn, said, 'Peepee!'. Now whenever Lucas says it, at least I know what it means. He
was saying yippee to Emily because she was done her diaper change. God I love him!
Days/nights like these make babies all worthwhile.
Yesterday was a much happier day for me. The babies were not nearly as cranky or whiny as they usually are, and I even got a great nap in the afternoon. I woke, fed the babies dinner, then got treated to some fast food from my dad--thank you. As I was finishing my meal, one of my best friends called. Last night was the Relay For Life. She asked if I was up for heading over and participating with my old work crew. Seeing an opportunity to get out for me and the kids, I nearly bolted out the door in anticipation.
Relay for life is really important to me. I didn't realize until last night, how important it was. My friend died of cancer at 23 (under 3 months before her 24th birthday). Two days before her 24th birthday, I found out I was pregnant with Lucas. I felt as if she were with me, and missed her terribly. Taking the babies with me to Relay For Life helped a lot. It made me feel as if I were helping in some way. I definitely want my children to understand the importance of such events.
On a funny note:
Lucas said 'Peepee' last night while I was changing Emily's diaper. Now, I don't tend to
use baby words with my babies, so I was quite confused as to where this word came from.
Yes, she had a pee diaper, but that's not the point. I thought it cute, but still confused on
the word.
This morning my mom was bouncing Lucas on her knee. She said 'Yippee!'. Lucas, in
turn, said, 'Peepee!'. Now whenever Lucas says it, at least I know what it means. He
was saying yippee to Emily because she was done her diaper change. God I love him!
Days/nights like these make babies all worthwhile.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Term 'Irish Twins'
I feel obliged to apologize to anybody or persons I may have insulted by using the term 'Irish Twins'. I do realize that this term was used condescendingly towards the Irish. I mean no offense whatsoever. When I use this term, I only am referring to my children, and other siblings, born within 12 months of one another. Although, it has now broadened towards siblings born less than 24 months apart.
It was actually something I kept thinking about last night, among other worries, that kept me from falling asleep soundly.
Now that I've gotten that off my chest. I have a driving test today. That means, that Wayne is in charge of the babies while I'm gone. As liberating as this feels, I can't help but feel a little apprehensive. Wayne is a wonderful father, most of the time. Not to say that he's a horrible father at any time. Just that he tends to do things differently from me, and doesn't know all the little things the babies like and don't like. He also feeds them differently and does everything differently then I do. Obviously, he isn't me, and I can't expect him to do everything my way. That being said, I do still feel apprehensive about him watching the children so early.
Usually, Wayne doesn't wake up, unless he has to, until much later. That's why I've already put the babies down for a nap, and hope they stay asleep as long as possible for their father's sake. He's not exactly a morning person. Who is, though, when you wake up to two screaming and hungry babies?
Well, I best be off to my test. I reiterate, I apologize to anybody or person I may have insulted by using the term 'Irish Twins'. I do not use this word condescendingly at all in any of my posts, and think the Irish to be a very fun and interesting lot.
It was actually something I kept thinking about last night, among other worries, that kept me from falling asleep soundly.
Now that I've gotten that off my chest. I have a driving test today. That means, that Wayne is in charge of the babies while I'm gone. As liberating as this feels, I can't help but feel a little apprehensive. Wayne is a wonderful father, most of the time. Not to say that he's a horrible father at any time. Just that he tends to do things differently from me, and doesn't know all the little things the babies like and don't like. He also feeds them differently and does everything differently then I do. Obviously, he isn't me, and I can't expect him to do everything my way. That being said, I do still feel apprehensive about him watching the children so early.
Usually, Wayne doesn't wake up, unless he has to, until much later. That's why I've already put the babies down for a nap, and hope they stay asleep as long as possible for their father's sake. He's not exactly a morning person. Who is, though, when you wake up to two screaming and hungry babies?
Well, I best be off to my test. I reiterate, I apologize to anybody or person I may have insulted by using the term 'Irish Twins'. I do not use this word condescendingly at all in any of my posts, and think the Irish to be a very fun and interesting lot.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Rounding Off the Day
As every stay-at-home parent knows, the night/evening is the most chaotic time of the day. At least, it is at this house. Doubly so, since Wayne is away at work. I have to make dinner and/or feed the children (the or when my mother makes a generous dinner to include us), feed myself, entertain the children while making dinner and after dinner. Then there's the whole night time routine, bath or no bath, brushing teeth, and winding them down for a good night's sleep.
A good night's sleep only entails Lucas sleeping through the night, and Emily only waking up once. An amazing night's sleep is when Emily sleeps through until 7 or 8am the following morning. This is a very rare occurrence, but it has happened.
Once the babies are sleeping, it's mommy time. First I check e-mails and messages. Usually, I need to make myself something to eat--since, eating while the babies eat is near impossible at times. Then I watch my shows, read a book, or do anything to make me feel like I can relax, since this is the only time of day I can sit back and not care. Unless a baby wakes up.
Now for dinner. Lucas eats almost anything. This little man got his first two teeth when he was 4 months, and had a full set by the time he was 10 months. Emily is almost 10 months old now, and only has her first two teeth. Naturally, I feed her mushed up food/baby food.
She's capable of eating/gumming cheerios, and puffs, has had bits of bread and mushed up banana, but before all this, we tried out new foods every 3 days as the doctor advised. We weren't nearly as cautious with Lucas, however, Emily was 3 weeks early and had preemie tendencies.
My greatest accomplishment with the babies, is that I have generally made their baby food. I highly recommend a Magic Bullet for any parent interested in making their own baby food. I steam the vegetables in the microwave. It's the easiest way to do it, and keeps all the juices with the vegetables, which is key to making their mush. You want to keep the water to blend the veggies to the right consistency. Now, the 'right' consistency depends on your baby. Store bought baby food is quite runny, my babies always preferred it thicker. Obviously, the more water, the smoother/runnier and easier to digest the vegetable.
I have also steamed some fruits this way. Although, with most fruits you need to peel them, and I've found the fruit to be a bit too sour for my babies bums. In this case, I've used store bought.
Now don't get me wrong. I've used my fair share of store bought baby food too. I use both. With Emily, I must admit, I use far more store bought baby food, then I did with Lucas. It only makes sense, I think. I had much more free time when Lucas was young. There was no other baby to feed and care for.
Well, it's all what you prefer, and your baby/babies too, of course.
Off to spend some quality time with myself for the next hour or so. I believe it's the one thing that keeps me most sane. This, Wayne and my friends and family. I thank them greatly for all their love and support.
A good night's sleep only entails Lucas sleeping through the night, and Emily only waking up once. An amazing night's sleep is when Emily sleeps through until 7 or 8am the following morning. This is a very rare occurrence, but it has happened.
Once the babies are sleeping, it's mommy time. First I check e-mails and messages. Usually, I need to make myself something to eat--since, eating while the babies eat is near impossible at times. Then I watch my shows, read a book, or do anything to make me feel like I can relax, since this is the only time of day I can sit back and not care. Unless a baby wakes up.
Now for dinner. Lucas eats almost anything. This little man got his first two teeth when he was 4 months, and had a full set by the time he was 10 months. Emily is almost 10 months old now, and only has her first two teeth. Naturally, I feed her mushed up food/baby food.
She's capable of eating/gumming cheerios, and puffs, has had bits of bread and mushed up banana, but before all this, we tried out new foods every 3 days as the doctor advised. We weren't nearly as cautious with Lucas, however, Emily was 3 weeks early and had preemie tendencies.
My greatest accomplishment with the babies, is that I have generally made their baby food. I highly recommend a Magic Bullet for any parent interested in making their own baby food. I steam the vegetables in the microwave. It's the easiest way to do it, and keeps all the juices with the vegetables, which is key to making their mush. You want to keep the water to blend the veggies to the right consistency. Now, the 'right' consistency depends on your baby. Store bought baby food is quite runny, my babies always preferred it thicker. Obviously, the more water, the smoother/runnier and easier to digest the vegetable.
I have also steamed some fruits this way. Although, with most fruits you need to peel them, and I've found the fruit to be a bit too sour for my babies bums. In this case, I've used store bought.
Now don't get me wrong. I've used my fair share of store bought baby food too. I use both. With Emily, I must admit, I use far more store bought baby food, then I did with Lucas. It only makes sense, I think. I had much more free time when Lucas was young. There was no other baby to feed and care for.
Well, it's all what you prefer, and your baby/babies too, of course.
Off to spend some quality time with myself for the next hour or so. I believe it's the one thing that keeps me most sane. This, Wayne and my friends and family. I thank them greatly for all their love and support.
Good Day Gone Sour
Emily woke up twice last night. Even though Wayne fed her, I still woke and had quite a hard time falling back to sleep. To top that off, she woke at 6am, rather then the usual 7am. Despite that, I felt remarkably well this morning. I brought Emily downstairs and carried her on my hip while I made her bottle. Of course, Emily peed then and I could feel it, however, I have felt her pee in her diaper before. To my surprise, she peed through the diaper and all over my one side. Again, I was still in a fairly good mood, and just went and cleaned myself up, then cleaned Emily.
All was well and good this morning. I was able to grab a nap when the babies went down for a sleep, and felt nicely refreshed when I awoke later on. The babies ate their lunch, no problem. They played fairly nicely together, and Emily rarely whined for my attention. When it was time for Wayne to wake from his nap, I had Lucas scale the stairs to our bedroom. To my amazement, Emily followed suit.
I don't believe I have told you this, but Emily only recently learned to crawl. It hasn't even been a week since she started, and she's already climbing everything. I was happily surprised to see her start climbing the stairs (also a little worried she would fall) and was able to catch the last bit of climbing on video.
After waking their father, we all went downstairs, and that's when things started to go bad. First, my head started a throbbing headache... why? I have no idea. Emily peed through her diaper, again, because her father forgot to change her. Lucas was getting into everything he knew he was not allowed to, and most of all, Wayne was in a sour mood. Perhaps I'm still carrying some anger toward him from yesterday.
As you can probably tell, the babies are sleeping at the moment. Their afternoon nap, if you will. I have been trying to get the babies to sleep in the same room. Emily has been in our room since the beginning (in her own crib), and now I think it perfect time for her to move out. Mostly because she wakes both Wayne and I constantly and I think it doesn't help the tension between us at all. However, their morning naps together don't always go so well. Should Emily wake up, it wakes Lucas, and vice versa.
Wayne and I are anxiously awaiting news about a place to move into. Currently we're renting off my parents, which is a whole other story of problems. We're hopefully going to get into a 3 bedroom so each baby has their own room, and Wayne and I have our own private place again.
I hope to get Emily and Lucas in the same room, simply because we don't know how long it will be before we get to move out. Money is always an issue (can't live with it, can't live without it) and there's a waiting list for the place we want to live. We have a meeting to find out more on Monday, so I'll keep you posted. Also, if you've had to move two children into the same room, please feel free to help me. I am extremely open to all opinions and advice.
I suppose most mothers are. Once family, friends and even strangers know or see that you're pregnant, you get all sorts of opinions and advice--wanted or not. My favourite advice came from my friend's sister-in-law, she told me that everyone would have advice for me, and to just listen and decide whether or not you want to take that advice/opinion to heart or not. When asked, this is the only sort of advice I give to anyone who wants my advice/opinion on pregnancy/motherhood/parenting.
Well, my head is no longer aching, so I best jump in the shower while I've still got the chance. If anyone out there is reading this, I hope I've offered something to brighten your day.
If not, here's a little story to get you laughing:
Yesterday while making the babies lunch, Lucas came into the kitchen and sat on
a chair. I kept glancing over to make sure he wasn't getting into anything.
Quiet as he was, I half expected him to be doing something bad. However,
every time I glanced at him, he was sitting nicely with his hands somewhere
in his lap. Once I was able to truly see what he was up to, I found that he
was chewing something in his mouth. Instantly alarmed, I hurried over, only
to find an apple in those hands. He had been eating an apple he'd grabbed off
the table the entire time, and hiding it in his lap. By the time I had
realized what he was up to, he had eaten half the apple. I laughed so hard.
Here he was being all sly and thinking he was eating something he wasn't
allowed. An apple.
All was well and good this morning. I was able to grab a nap when the babies went down for a sleep, and felt nicely refreshed when I awoke later on. The babies ate their lunch, no problem. They played fairly nicely together, and Emily rarely whined for my attention. When it was time for Wayne to wake from his nap, I had Lucas scale the stairs to our bedroom. To my amazement, Emily followed suit.
I don't believe I have told you this, but Emily only recently learned to crawl. It hasn't even been a week since she started, and she's already climbing everything. I was happily surprised to see her start climbing the stairs (also a little worried she would fall) and was able to catch the last bit of climbing on video.
After waking their father, we all went downstairs, and that's when things started to go bad. First, my head started a throbbing headache... why? I have no idea. Emily peed through her diaper, again, because her father forgot to change her. Lucas was getting into everything he knew he was not allowed to, and most of all, Wayne was in a sour mood. Perhaps I'm still carrying some anger toward him from yesterday.
As you can probably tell, the babies are sleeping at the moment. Their afternoon nap, if you will. I have been trying to get the babies to sleep in the same room. Emily has been in our room since the beginning (in her own crib), and now I think it perfect time for her to move out. Mostly because she wakes both Wayne and I constantly and I think it doesn't help the tension between us at all. However, their morning naps together don't always go so well. Should Emily wake up, it wakes Lucas, and vice versa.
Wayne and I are anxiously awaiting news about a place to move into. Currently we're renting off my parents, which is a whole other story of problems. We're hopefully going to get into a 3 bedroom so each baby has their own room, and Wayne and I have our own private place again.
I hope to get Emily and Lucas in the same room, simply because we don't know how long it will be before we get to move out. Money is always an issue (can't live with it, can't live without it) and there's a waiting list for the place we want to live. We have a meeting to find out more on Monday, so I'll keep you posted. Also, if you've had to move two children into the same room, please feel free to help me. I am extremely open to all opinions and advice.
I suppose most mothers are. Once family, friends and even strangers know or see that you're pregnant, you get all sorts of opinions and advice--wanted or not. My favourite advice came from my friend's sister-in-law, she told me that everyone would have advice for me, and to just listen and decide whether or not you want to take that advice/opinion to heart or not. When asked, this is the only sort of advice I give to anyone who wants my advice/opinion on pregnancy/motherhood/parenting.
Well, my head is no longer aching, so I best jump in the shower while I've still got the chance. If anyone out there is reading this, I hope I've offered something to brighten your day.
If not, here's a little story to get you laughing:
Yesterday while making the babies lunch, Lucas came into the kitchen and sat on
a chair. I kept glancing over to make sure he wasn't getting into anything.
Quiet as he was, I half expected him to be doing something bad. However,
every time I glanced at him, he was sitting nicely with his hands somewhere
in his lap. Once I was able to truly see what he was up to, I found that he
was chewing something in his mouth. Instantly alarmed, I hurried over, only
to find an apple in those hands. He had been eating an apple he'd grabbed off
the table the entire time, and hiding it in his lap. By the time I had
realized what he was up to, he had eaten half the apple. I laughed so hard.
Here he was being all sly and thinking he was eating something he wasn't
allowed. An apple.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A Little Far Into It
I am a simple mother of two; two Irish Twins that is. Essentially, all that means is that I have two children born less than a year apart. My son is already 20 months old, and my daughter will be 10 months on the 13th.
If there are any other people out there with Irish Twins, you know how I feel, or at least somewhat. Not only do I have two itty bitty babies, but I also suffer from postpartum depression. In other words, I'm a mess. I simply went on my computer today, after quite a fight with my fiancee, to look up some help or group or something to help. There is nothing but old webpages to be found on Irish Twins filled with advice on saving costs and posting up pictures. But there's nothing on there about the anguish and pure enjoyment of such 'twins'.
I suppose I'm simply writing this blog as a means of venting and, of course, bragging about my babies. It may seem like I've started writing a little far into this whole Irish Twin baby world, but this is the first time I've had a chance to breathe. Perhaps only a little gasp of air, but at least it's something.
It all started when I got pregnant with my son. I was on the pill (apparently not as effective as I thought) and only found out because I through my back out at work. I was shocked, for sure, but pleasantly so. As was Wayne (my fiancee). Nine long months later, Lucas arrived via c-section. I'll not go into the gory details about my labor before c-sec. I tried with all my will to breastfeed my son, but I wasn't too good at it, and neither was he. Since there was no pressure on breastfeeding from Wayne or either families, we opted for formula. A decision I perhaps regret a little. When Lucas turned 4 months old, I found out I was exactly 8 weeks pregnant, again! This time, I balled my eyes out. I was sad, scared and worried all at the same time. Lucas may have only been 4 months, but he had just started teething at this time and was a little hellion to say the least.
At my 6 week check-up with the doctor after Lucas was born, I had the copper IUD put in. Obviously it moved before I got it checked (my own fault for not having getting the thing checked) and I got pregnant. My family doctor was able to remove the IUD, thank god, and I was left with the decision of keeping or aborting the pregnancy.
Wayne knew how hard it was with Lucas already. Remember, he was only 4 months old at the time, and extremely dependent on us for everything. I knew Wayne's decision, but also knew how I felt. Ultimately, Wayne left the decision up to me, and promised that he would back me either way. Obviously, I kept the pregnancy. Now only 6 long months later, Emily arrived via c-section as well.
I'll not go into gory details of that labor or delivery either, except to say that Wayne almost didn't make it into the operating room in time to see the birth of his daughter. Emily was born a full 3 weeks early and was extremely itty bitty to say the least. This time in the hospital was remarkably different from less then a year before. Not only was I in a private room, (we were in a ward with Lucas) Wayne was frequently back home caring for Lucas while I was left alone with Emily. Even though we had a great amount of bonding time, breastfeeding, again, did not go so well. By day 3 I had given up and moved onto what I knew best--formula. Another decision I regret, but do not beat myself up over.
The first 2 to 3 months after Emily came home is a complete blur. I do remember constant midnight feedings and changings. I remember Lucas' reaction to his sister--he thought her a doll, and smiled every time she made noise. I don't remember how I got through those first few months. I do know that I have my family, Wayne's family, and most of all Wayne to thank for helping me through those months.
One night when Emily was about 10 weeks old, Wayne made a comment about not having changed any of her diapers since the hospital. As all great women would do, I handed him the diaper and watched him change her, and made sure he was more involved with Emily, then just Lucas after that.
Many months leading up to now, are also a blur. I wake to a crying baby or babies, feed them, change them, entertain them, feed them some more, change them some more, put them to bed, and on and on it goes. Very rarely do I get any alone time. Wayne works afternoons. From 2pm (he starts at 3pm) until 11pm (sometimes he doesn't get home until 12 or 12:30am) I am alone with the kids. However, Wayne feed Emily late a night, so I get up in the morning at about 7am everyday and Wayne doesn't get up until 11:30am/12pm. For 2 hours during the week Wayne sees his babies. I resent him. It's hard not to. I miss going to work and getting out of the house. Getting out is difficult with two babies, especially when they were both born at the end of summer/beginning of autumn and the snow and cold is too much when they're just old enough to want to take places.
As for resenting him, I also admire his working. On the rare occasions that we've been baby-free for a few hours, I miss the babies terribly. Although, it's starting to get to the point where I would prefer to work (which is much easier) then be with the babies. Enough about that though... this is supposed to be more about support for parents of Irish Twins.
I suppose the one thing that has kept me going so long is those little moments. When Lucas took his first step, or called me 'mum'. When Emily first crawled/climbed. The reason I write this now is because Emily and Lucas no longer need me all the time. They are both capable now of entertaining themselves. As liberating as that is for me, it's also quite a downer. My little girl no longer wants to be coddled all the time, just sometimes.
One of those little moments, the ones that make your heart clench, happened earlier today. Emily and Lucas were playing on their plush chairs together. As in actually playing with each other! I literally swelled with happiness. Of course, I kissed both of them to death as soon as I could without interrupting their play.
Overall, I think this will help with my sanity and hopefully provide a few chuckles for others going through similar situations.
If there are any other people out there with Irish Twins, you know how I feel, or at least somewhat. Not only do I have two itty bitty babies, but I also suffer from postpartum depression. In other words, I'm a mess. I simply went on my computer today, after quite a fight with my fiancee, to look up some help or group or something to help. There is nothing but old webpages to be found on Irish Twins filled with advice on saving costs and posting up pictures. But there's nothing on there about the anguish and pure enjoyment of such 'twins'.
I suppose I'm simply writing this blog as a means of venting and, of course, bragging about my babies. It may seem like I've started writing a little far into this whole Irish Twin baby world, but this is the first time I've had a chance to breathe. Perhaps only a little gasp of air, but at least it's something.
It all started when I got pregnant with my son. I was on the pill (apparently not as effective as I thought) and only found out because I through my back out at work. I was shocked, for sure, but pleasantly so. As was Wayne (my fiancee). Nine long months later, Lucas arrived via c-section. I'll not go into the gory details about my labor before c-sec. I tried with all my will to breastfeed my son, but I wasn't too good at it, and neither was he. Since there was no pressure on breastfeeding from Wayne or either families, we opted for formula. A decision I perhaps regret a little. When Lucas turned 4 months old, I found out I was exactly 8 weeks pregnant, again! This time, I balled my eyes out. I was sad, scared and worried all at the same time. Lucas may have only been 4 months, but he had just started teething at this time and was a little hellion to say the least.
At my 6 week check-up with the doctor after Lucas was born, I had the copper IUD put in. Obviously it moved before I got it checked (my own fault for not having getting the thing checked) and I got pregnant. My family doctor was able to remove the IUD, thank god, and I was left with the decision of keeping or aborting the pregnancy.
Wayne knew how hard it was with Lucas already. Remember, he was only 4 months old at the time, and extremely dependent on us for everything. I knew Wayne's decision, but also knew how I felt. Ultimately, Wayne left the decision up to me, and promised that he would back me either way. Obviously, I kept the pregnancy. Now only 6 long months later, Emily arrived via c-section as well.
I'll not go into gory details of that labor or delivery either, except to say that Wayne almost didn't make it into the operating room in time to see the birth of his daughter. Emily was born a full 3 weeks early and was extremely itty bitty to say the least. This time in the hospital was remarkably different from less then a year before. Not only was I in a private room, (we were in a ward with Lucas) Wayne was frequently back home caring for Lucas while I was left alone with Emily. Even though we had a great amount of bonding time, breastfeeding, again, did not go so well. By day 3 I had given up and moved onto what I knew best--formula. Another decision I regret, but do not beat myself up over.
The first 2 to 3 months after Emily came home is a complete blur. I do remember constant midnight feedings and changings. I remember Lucas' reaction to his sister--he thought her a doll, and smiled every time she made noise. I don't remember how I got through those first few months. I do know that I have my family, Wayne's family, and most of all Wayne to thank for helping me through those months.
One night when Emily was about 10 weeks old, Wayne made a comment about not having changed any of her diapers since the hospital. As all great women would do, I handed him the diaper and watched him change her, and made sure he was more involved with Emily, then just Lucas after that.
Many months leading up to now, are also a blur. I wake to a crying baby or babies, feed them, change them, entertain them, feed them some more, change them some more, put them to bed, and on and on it goes. Very rarely do I get any alone time. Wayne works afternoons. From 2pm (he starts at 3pm) until 11pm (sometimes he doesn't get home until 12 or 12:30am) I am alone with the kids. However, Wayne feed Emily late a night, so I get up in the morning at about 7am everyday and Wayne doesn't get up until 11:30am/12pm. For 2 hours during the week Wayne sees his babies. I resent him. It's hard not to. I miss going to work and getting out of the house. Getting out is difficult with two babies, especially when they were both born at the end of summer/beginning of autumn and the snow and cold is too much when they're just old enough to want to take places.
As for resenting him, I also admire his working. On the rare occasions that we've been baby-free for a few hours, I miss the babies terribly. Although, it's starting to get to the point where I would prefer to work (which is much easier) then be with the babies. Enough about that though... this is supposed to be more about support for parents of Irish Twins.
I suppose the one thing that has kept me going so long is those little moments. When Lucas took his first step, or called me 'mum'. When Emily first crawled/climbed. The reason I write this now is because Emily and Lucas no longer need me all the time. They are both capable now of entertaining themselves. As liberating as that is for me, it's also quite a downer. My little girl no longer wants to be coddled all the time, just sometimes.
One of those little moments, the ones that make your heart clench, happened earlier today. Emily and Lucas were playing on their plush chairs together. As in actually playing with each other! I literally swelled with happiness. Of course, I kissed both of them to death as soon as I could without interrupting their play.
Overall, I think this will help with my sanity and hopefully provide a few chuckles for others going through similar situations.
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